Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gone girl with a blue streak.

Hi guys....

Mind blowing. Finally i saw Gone Girl and i would have to agree that it is one of the best movies of 2014. I had heard so many good things about it that i finally managed to drag my roommate Rakhee to the theater half sleepy and by the time movie got over she was full awake One point for that.

The only thing i didnt like about it was the ending. I would have loved if it ended differently. Or if it had to end the way it did atleast let us know what happens in the future. Does he manage to run away or maybe commit sucide or just endure it??? I would love to have him run away but i think most probably he commits sucide. 

Coming to ootd: i wasnt feeling like dressing up so just wore denim overalls and flats. And a word of advice if you are short like me do not pair your overalls with flats. You ask why? Well i didnt know it until i saw the pictures and well it looks like someone just cut me a little near my legs and attached back the foot. What would look amazing would be some wedged sneakers or some pink pumps.

[Overall : Sarojini Nagar, Baseball Tee: UCLA, Bag: Lifestyle , Belles: Jade]

Yes i have blue streaks. Naah they aint permanent. This Saturday i had gone to New U, and i came across these temporary spray paints for hair by bblunt. You spray whatever crazy streak you want and once you wash your hair it gets cleaned out. It's called bblunt One night stand. It comes in 4 colors blue,green, a shade of brown and copper. Its supposed to last around 10 applications atleast thats what the SA told me. I got the blue as you can see. I have used it once and its okay. Maybe i placed it wrongly or maybe i was wearing too much blue but it didnt stand out the way it was supposed to. After 3-4 hours of application you really couldnt tell that i had blue streak on. Until you looked closely. Also if you look closely its like tiny atoms of blue color sticking to your hair. But for pray paint  hair color i guess thats what you get.Anyhow i will use it couple of more times maybe i will discover some secrets ;-) And yeah it costs just 300 rupees. So you can get all the 4 colors and be a peacock or a rainbow.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is Love???

Few days back one of my friends asked me a question which i am sure has troubled all of us atleast once in our lifetime. "What is Love" ? And as i gave all the answers in the book it got me thinking is it really all that. Wiki says Love is a variety of different feelings,states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure,Science says its just a chemical reaction of different hormones in your body , Books tell us its unconditional, accepting and kind And movies tells us that when you can't stop thinking about the other person and they are the only one that matters; that's love. I would say that's more on the lines of obsession and infatuation.

According to me, Love is like a scent of perfume. Strong at the beginning,alluring, it becomes you but with time it melts down into something sublime and subtle which doesn't have an overpowering presence but its just there like a whiff.You love someone and they know it and they love you and you know it, but its a party and you both are talking to other people,and you look across the room and catch each other's eye but not because its possessive or precisely sexual..but because..that is your person in this life. Frances Ha really nails it. It all sounds romantic but its not the complete reality. Most of us never find that person. Maybe we stop looking too soon or we find them but are too scared or proud to be with them. Ohh being adult is complicated. 

Love is over-rated. It has the glossy covering of sweet lies making it appear beautiful. Its a money making machine. Just amount of money people make selling books, movies, music about love is just insane. I guess we are more in love with the feeling of being in love rather than really being in love. You love your parents,friends, bf/gf, pets and it should be same for everyone. Definition of love shouldnt vary with respect to the person you are in love with. "I cant live without you, you are my life" is just for the fairy tales. People live. One love goes you find a replacement to fill it and that's why its everlasting cause it doesn't depend on just 2 mortal humans.

It does have the power to change you. But if love is supposed to be unconditional and accepting why does someone have to change to be loved ?? If love is supposed to be unconditional then why do we have so many terms and conditions from society?? And if love is supposed to be kind then why is that the person we love the most hurts us the most?? Einstein !! Yeah i am skeptic. But i do agree it makes you happy. It puts you on cloud nine. But then one of spoon of mom's gajar ka halwa does too. Just saying !!!