My Mini-Bucket List

These past few days i been seeing a lot of posts on FB regarding "30 things to do before you die", or "25 things to do before you turn 25" or "stuff to do before you get married" ect.... So i decided to do a list of my own.. a bucket list. I dont know if i will be able to complete all of it but.. what the hell!!! i can try. So here it goes..

1)Participate in The Amazing Race.
2)Sleep under the stars
3)Make a difference in someone's life.
4)Go on a cross country road trip
5)Learn a foreign language
6)Sleep in a castle
7)Do a bungee jump
8)Experience weightlessness
9)Get a tattoo
10)Go to Disney World
11)Write a book and publish  it.
12)Act as a extra in a movie( Be the girl that gets killed by a killer or possessed by a spirit)
13)Start my own business
14)Watch Chelsea play live probli UCL finals and win it.
15)Go mute for 1 whole day
16)See a bands last show ever. Be part of history
17)Watch every movie on top 100 movies of all time.
18)Take a bubblebath.
19)Learn to swin
20)Learn to juggle
21)Learn to play guitar
22)Do a 365 day photo project
23)Learn to solve rubix cube
24)Crash a wedding
25)Visit all 29 states.
26)Go on a road trip in Italy
27)Be a pure veggie for a month
28)Do a karaoke infront of an audience
29)A bike ride in rain
30)Take a bus pass and travel whole day without a destination in mind
31) Go on a solo trip
32)Audition for a reality show
33)Learn the Cup Song
34)No Shopping for one month
35)Read every book on top 100 books to read before you die.

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