Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rain it Pours!!


Rain it pours and its dancing in my Soul now,
Rain it pours and it drowns away my thoughts,
Rain it pours and everything goes silent,
Rain it pours and its dancing in my soul.

Hi Guys,

Even though the winter has come in Game of Thrones, in Bangalore its raining crazy. And when i say crazy i mean it has a mind of its own. It will be hot in the afternoons like its still summer and so you decide to go out without an umbrella and bam!! it starts raining. And i am a kind of person who doesn't like to carry things in my hand except my cellphone neither do i like carrying huge totes n purses. I am the small bodycross kinda girl. And this always lands me taking shelter beneath a tree or under the roof of a shop. The only good thing about Bangalore rains is that they don't last for hours. So i guess it kinda balances it out.

I have a love hate relationship with Rain. I am born, bought up in Goa and there it pours cats and dogs. Its like someone opened the shower tap and forgot to close it and went for vacation. Even when it stops you can fill the dampness in the air. I always feel sleepy in such weather. I remember my dad literally pulling me out of bed and dragging me to school. I mean who wants to leave their comfy bed and go to school, half wet cause you are not a ninja in opening the umbrella as you get out of the car. And then keep those wet umbrellas near your leg cause obviously we cannot have 60 open umbrellas in a classroom. The only good memory i have of rainy days was when it would rain so heavily that the nearby stream would be flooded and school will be closed or when my mom would make hot onion pakodas in evening or having cycle races with raindrops trying to catch me. Personally i find the cracking of black sky with sudden lightning is one of the most beautiful thing witness.

Anyways things have changed and i don't have to go to school anymore. 'Yayyy!!' and i am starting to enjoy getting wet in rain a little bit. Its kinda calms you down and makes you feel free like no matter how screwed up your life is at this moment its all getting washed out with the water pouring on your skin. But then i certainly prefer to be tucked in rather than getting wet :P BTW, I watched 4 movies this week :- Dil Dhadkne Do, It Follows and 2 evergreen oldies Hum Apke Hai Kaun and Hum Saath Saath Hai. I would say DDD wasn't as good as i had expected it to be. It follows is a good movie if you are the kind to discuss about movies and their hidden meanings and stuff. And i also caught up on ep 9 of Game of Thrones and i have to say its been one of the best episodes of this season. Actually the first 'WTH' moment of this season. I didn't go out much after i tried once and got drenched. So i have got my rainy outfit for you guys. I wore a flannel knotted at my waist with a black maxi skirt with slits.

[Shirt: Allen Solly, Maxi Skirt: Max, Necklace: Kormangla]

Until next time, go get yourself wet, Cheers !!

(Rain it Pours:- Lyrics of an amazing song from I Hate Love Story)