Monday, August 29, 2016

UPDATE: New Blog!!!!

Hi Guys,

I know I have been MIA for a long long long time. It has just been that I had started this blog as a way to express my style and random thoughts. But I guess I got lost on the way. And I just feel that I am not able to provide the content I should as I am not in that frame on mind at the moment. So I will be taking a Hiatus for couple of weeks.

However till then I do have another address. I have loved reading for as long as I remember and so finally I decided to start a bookish blog where I talk about books and other random stuff.  It called A Bibliophile Like Me. If you guys could check it out ( here ) it would mean so much to me. I also shot a youtube video. What!!!! I was getting bored ;-)

Love you guys!!