Monday, August 29, 2016

UPDATE: New Blog!!!!

Hi Guys,

I know I have been MIA for a long long long time. It has just been that I had started this blog as a way to express my style and random thoughts. But I guess I got lost on the way. And I just feel that I am not able to provide the content I should as I am not in that frame on mind at the moment. So I will be taking a Hiatus for couple of weeks.

However till then I do have another address. I have loved reading for as long as I remember and so finally I decided to start a bookish blog where I talk about books and other random stuff.  It called A Bibliophile Like Me. If you guys could check it out ( here ) it would mean so much to me. I also shot a youtube video. What!!!! I was getting bored ;-)

Love you guys!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

On Wednesdays we wear Pink!!

Its been almost 12 years since Mean Girls came out. Ohh the time when Lindsay was still sane. I am not sure if Regina George is still a evil bitch and Gretchen's hair is full of secrets and Karen's boobs tell when its going to rain and Damien is too gay to function. But one thing i can tell with certainity is 'Fetch' still isnt a thing. It never was and never will be 😈

And on wednesdays we wear Pink!!

  [ tee, jeans: Forever21, Boots: Allen Solly]

Guys can rock it as well!!

Weekend lustings

Hi Guys,
I have had pretty eventful last week with my cousins and parents visiting. It was like being back home once again. It was string of nights full of chitter chatter, IPL , playing Jenga and fighting to see who gets to sleep under the fan. Oh the Heat! I tell you. It’s been crazy. Being inside an air conditioned building for better part of the day doesn’t really let you experience the full onslaught of the May heat. The nights are a different story all together. I am the kind of person who needs the warm embrace of the blanket to get a good sleep but this month we been having kinda tiff with there being at least a feet between both of us. I can’t wait for the rains to start so we can get back together :-D . Ahh!! I digress.

As I was saying, it was a fun week. And even though I was having a really freakingly hectic week at work, coming home to crazy siblings seemed to work as an immediate destressor. We were supposed to go to the Wet & Joy waterpark at Lonavla during the weekend but we ended up waking at 10 am and our plans went swirling down the tube (no pun intended). So we did the next best thing, we went shopping :-P Actually I was on a no shopping diet for last couple of months and this was like my after rehab probation stint. I did get lot of stuff but mostly for my cousins so I guess I am in the clear. Currently I am lusting 2 things

  1. Chanel No.5 
  2. Kylie Jenner lip kit in Posie K. 

But sadly we don’t have any store in Pune that sells Chanel and Kylie lip kits are all sold outThe aching continues…….

Cheers till then.... And btw SRH won the IPL yaay👻👻👻






Saturday, April 30, 2016

Random OOTW Lookbook


Last couple of months i been feeling like i am this cog in a monotonous daily soap. Nothing crazy has been happening. Its like i am 21 all over again trying to figure out what i wanna do with my life. Have you guys seen Frances Ha movie?? Its one of my favourite movies of all time. So there is this conversation in the movie (look below :P) and i was talking to this guy and he asked me what do i do and this scene just flooded my mind. I still don't know what i wanna do with my life. Urging!!!

Anyhoo i have got my OOTW lookbook for you guys. Hope you like t. :)
{ Shirt : Chemistry, Tank Top: Jockey, Jeans: Forever 21, Shoes: Converse}

{Camisole: Forever 21, Jeans: Ginger, Shrug: Thrifted, Sandals: FC Road}

{Top: Allen Solly, Leggings: Forever 21, Heels: Tresmode}

{Dress, Legging: Forever 21, Sandals: FC Road}

{Shirt: Mango, Jeans: Forever 21, Shoes: Converse}

Until nest time Bye Bye!! Cheers xoxo 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Game of Thrones!!


I think if we think about the last one month the two topics that have been trending are the return of game of thrones season 6 and Angel by Taher Shah. Here is a mash up of both. Hope you guys like it :D