Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dear Me: A letter to a 17 year old Me!!

Dear Me;

Hi... here is little something for you to hear.

1)Love yourself. Be you and don't go into a shell. Its okay to be weird and different. You will eventually meet people who will accept you for who you are.
2)Wearing unfitted sleeveless t shirts with studded bands in your hands and black nail polish makes you look like a joker not a rockstar. But still it will be something to laugh about later.
3)Embrace your thick,wavy,wild hair you are going to miss them a lot, soon :(
4)Its okay to get an "F" and no use hiding it from mom and dad, they are going to find out anyways and they will love you just the same :D
5)Listen to your mom, she is always right.
6)Being one of the naughty kids ain't going to get you a gold star.Respect your teachers even if you don't like them, they mean well.
7) Enjoy all those family trips, take lots of pictures..you will miss out on them soon.
8)"Kewl" is not cool and being considered "kewl" is not the high point of life..what others think of you doesn't matter and this is going to scar up your english for forever.
9)Eat!! A lot. You will soon start craving for your mom's food.
10)Don't throw away your milk in flowerpot, mom is going to find out soon after her favourite plant dies of it :( and you will be in lot of trouble :P
11)Don't let self doubt creep in,it will kill many of your dreams.
12)No matter what anyone says boards do matter don't wait for last 1 week to study for it, you are going to regret it.
13)And even though boards matter its okay to score less, you will be in the best college and have an amazing 4 years of your life.
14)Dont trust everyone who smiles.
15)Read whatever you can get your hands on, you are going to miss it later when you don't get time to read.
16)Spend time with your family and less time on your phone and computer. You will miss them later.
17)Be Happy,relax,enjoy,experiment,have fun but in your limits. This is just a phase it will pass. 

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