Monday, August 31, 2015

Haze away

3 years. I can't believe its been 3 years in Bangalore. Time does move so fast. So after 3 years i am saying bye bye to Bangalore. OMG! I never thought i would be leaving Bangalore. The place is amazing. Anyways as my last week in Bangalore started i decided to explore lots of places i didn't do in last 3 years. And let me tell you there were a lot. And one of those places is a pub. Bangalore is supposed to have some of the best pubs in the country or so i have heard. It was one of the things in my "to-do list" before i die :P. Personally i don't like going to pubs because 
a)I don't drink
b)The music is too loud for two people to have covers without screaming themselves hoarse.
But then i did go just for the reason that it gave me a chance to dress up after a long time. Since i have sent most my stuff away to the new place i just put up some last minute layering. Bangalore is getting cold lemme tell ya.

                        [Dress,tights,bag - Forever 21, Denim shirt- Max, Boots:- Allen Solly]

Signing off from Bangalore for the last time.
See ya soon. Cheers !