Saturday, January 3, 2015

DIY- How to reuse your old clothes (Part 1)

Hi Guys....

How you been ? The sale season has started. Ready to get our closets filled with all the beautiful clothes and shoes and bags. But this leaves us with lots of old clothes which we dont use anymore and are collecting dust and wasting space in our closet. One we could donate them to the needy or if you are getting bored one Sunday afternoon you could put on your Edward Scissorhands and make something out of it. So lets get started.

A)Cute Hair Bow

Material:- Old T shirt, glue gun, scissor and a hair pin.

 Method:- 1)Cut out a piece of cloth from your old t shirt.
                 2)Fold this piece into a rectangular strip and glue it up.
                 3)Cut the the rectangular piece into a smaller piece according to the size of your hair pin.
                 4)Fold the ends of the piece to give it a clean look and glue them.
                 5)Cinch the piece in the center to make it into bow shape and glue it.
                 6)Cut out a tiny strip of the same fabric and glue it at the center to give it a more polished                        look.
                 7)Glue the bow to your pin and Voila your cute bow is ready ;)


B) Chunky Bangle

Materials:- Old plastic bottle of water,cutter,scissor,hot glue, old clothes, some beads for decorating.

Method:- 1)Take the water bottle and cut out a chunky part in shape of a bangle. 
                2)Cut out stripes of clothes probably of different colors if you want to make it fun.
                3)Then just glue one end to the bottle and start wrapping the stripes of fabric around the cut                    out bangle until its comfortable and fits your hand.
                4)You can decorate the bangle by gluing bead or stuff like that.

Hope you guys liked these DIYs.. Cheers :D

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