Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015 and OOTN

Hi Guys...

Happy New Year. 2014 is officially over and i can finally give a sigh of relief. I would have to say it was a hard one. More like a typical Bollywood movie romance, heartbreak, drama, action, fights, comedy; it had everything. Lots of lessons learnt. Few days back i couldn't wait for this year to end. This year was like perfect example of Murphy's Law.Everything that could go wrong did. But as i sat on the roof watching the crackers burst in the sky in million colors it stuck me that life is like these crackers. It has to burn to burst out into something amazing. So no matter how hard it gets, it will get over.

                                                  (Pic Credit:- Damodar Bhat  @Goa)

I think the most important thing i learnt this year was relationships be it with your parents or siblings or friends or music or anything is what will help you make it through. A lot of people come and go. There also a lot of 'almost's' out there. But then sometimes you get lucky and you find the 'one in a million' kind. The ones who will be always there when you need them no matter what. Who will accept you for who you are, who will go mental with you so you don't feel odd one out,who laugh and cry with you, whom you give a part of heart. These are the keepers and i feel that's the best 2014 gave me finding few of these 'one in a million' kind. Love ya... ;-)

Coming to what i wore for new year's eve. I decided to keep it simple. I wore a black maxi skirt from Max and paired it with a muscle tee from Vero moda. And since its winter i added a black lace shrug i got from Sarojini. To finish it off we have a satchel bag from Forever 21 (my current fav), watch and My spiked wrist belt and some colorful flip flops from westside.

As for 2015 lets bring the house down... Cheers :D

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