Thursday, July 16, 2015

Prison Break

Hi Guys,

For last couple of months i been totally bugged with this question” what am i doing with my life?” The question everyone struggles with in their mid twenties. For one life hardly ever turns out the way you expected it to be on top it is kinda critical period in your life. Its like the benchmark to compare what you had dreamt your life would be and what it really is. And sometimes when it just isn't what it was supposed to be it really makes you think. Think a lot and hard.

Personally i always thought by the time i hit 25 i would have completed by MBA and would be doing my own gig, work my own hours, have my own place. But nothing worked out. In the process of making big bucks ( not really big but okay kind) i got so entangled in all this that i just procrastinated and never got around to doing anything. I didn't even learn to play guitar :( Last few months have been mind freaking crazy with most of friends settling down or making big commitments. Its like they have grown up and i am still the 17 year old who cant decide which movie to see on a Friday night.

And then i came across this quote by Amanda Helm. “Give yourself a chance. Stop saying, “ I don't think I can” or “But what if I am not able to?” and give yourself a chance. This may be cliche, but BELIEVE in yourself. When you get older, your knees won't work the same and you wont have the best of memory, and you are going to wish you’d given yourself a chance years sooner. And if you aren't happy where you are, change it. Get a new job, move, become a vegetarian, get a new hobby, pick up an old hobby, whatever you do - make sure it benefits you. Life is too short to not be alive, to not be passionate, and overflowing. The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.” and it got me back to my same old question. “What am i doing with my life?”. But this time i got some answers. All this time i have been complaining but never did anything to change it. I have gotten comfortable with where i am. It safe and secure and i was scared. Like Ted Mosby says “ If you are not scared, you are not taking a chance. If you are not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing?”  Yea you cannot change everything overnight but you need to start somewhere. You need to jump. For a long time I felt like i was in prison and finally after lots of struggling just when i was about to complete my sentence and get out they said “Hey guess what your fellow inmate will be MIA for few months so you have to complete “those few months” of her sentence as well” Thats when i knew that this was the chance i was waiting for. To do all the things i ever wanted to do but was scared. It was time for Prison Break. Sometimes things don't work out the way you expected it, so that better things can happen. Just have faith and give yourself a chance. Cheers :)

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