Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Last couple of weeks i have been going through this helpless period. Not writer block as such. I dont know if i am.even.a writer but more on the level of over flowing mind that block got mowed over by the super fast train of thoughts. I have been getting so many ideas in my head like i could do this and i could do that but before i could action on even one i just hit this wall of procrastination. And then something else fills my mind. I always have these sudden urges where i have to do something and until and unless i dont do it my mind doesnt rest in peace. One of my buddies said its good to have such urges it motivates you to get thing done. But maybe mine are nothing that useful and i am not getting anything done. *sigh*

Its 'one of these days' cases. Anyways i dont have any outfit post today but i got some pictures-y quotes and poems i screenshoted off the instagram. God bless screenshot :)

First one is about coincidences and fate and i am big believer in destiny. Second one i got off a facebook page. They have really good quotes. And third one is well my defense against breaking the rule of no shopping.

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