Tuesday, November 24, 2015

PJ ootn

One of the nights when i just didnt wanna get out of bed but had to go out. Wore by batman T which i sleep in and my only shorts with hunter green tights and black boots from forever 21 and a leather jacket. I did get a few stares 😜


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Summery - Wintery Rant!

Its been a long time since i did any outfit posts. Not to give any excuse but with all the moving and settling in a new city all my stuff has been all over the place. I feel like wearing something and either i have left it home or the thing supposed to go with it is home. I seriously suck at packing. And add to that working the morning shift is cherry on the topping,but its not!! I am an owl, have been one for as long as i remember and now i gotta wake up at 4.30 in the morning is grrrrrrrrr!!!! First of all the winter is at the gates and its so chilly in the mornings and i am so sleepy that i just dont have the energy to even dress up. All I wanna be in is my comfy PJs (even to work) :-P Add to that by the time i am off work its freaking burning hot . Its trippy i tell ya!

Anyways i have got a ootd/ootn. The pictures are not that high quality but "it is what it is" ;-)

I wore my summer dress from Forever21 and layered it with a sweater from UCB. Wore these amazing tan gladiators i got at a fair in Goa fr just 250 bucks ( 3$ ) which is a steal. I had got almost similar ones from koovs few months back for more than ten times the price but i returned them as they didnt fit me properly. And my phone case isnt it adorable. The moment i saw it i knew i had to have it in my life :P 

A little close up of it😍


Thursday, November 19, 2015


think one of the best feature of a phone is the ability to take screenshots. I remember the old times with my nokia 5230 when it was still 2G and sometimes i would come across a really funny or inspiring quote or picture and i couldnt save it and then had to search for a pen n paper to jot it down. And now i dont even save pictures mostly just screenshot them. A lot of them. I am one of those people who is a sucker for quotes and saying and stuff like that. I have like a 1k screenshot folder with just that insta quotes mostly. One of my favs are RM Drake and Beau Taplin. And also the Berlin artparasites. I feel they write/share stuff that just gets you. Its evergreen, like for all moods and seasons. Like giving self advice or inspiration or motivation to enjoy even the bad day. 

The above poemy kind of quote titled 'Filthy Heart'. I came across this last year or a year back i think. I feel it explains it very well. Especially the 'impluse to jump ship' part cause thats what love is acceptance and being there always. 

All that anybody wants is to be loved and wanted ⛄️

Monday, November 16, 2015

Titbits 1

One of the toughest decisions of moving is deciding which books to leave behind 😞

The freedom of wind blowing through hair (read feet)😜

When someone disturbs your sleep and you are cranky whole dayπŸ‘»