Sunday, November 22, 2015

Summery - Wintery Rant!

Its been a long time since i did any outfit posts. Not to give any excuse but with all the moving and settling in a new city all my stuff has been all over the place. I feel like wearing something and either i have left it home or the thing supposed to go with it is home. I seriously suck at packing. And add to that working the morning shift is cherry on the topping,but its not!! I am an owl, have been one for as long as i remember and now i gotta wake up at 4.30 in the morning is grrrrrrrrr!!!! First of all the winter is at the gates and its so chilly in the mornings and i am so sleepy that i just dont have the energy to even dress up. All I wanna be in is my comfy PJs (even to work) :-P Add to that by the time i am off work its freaking burning hot . Its trippy i tell ya!

Anyways i have got a ootd/ootn. The pictures are not that high quality but "it is what it is" ;-)

I wore my summer dress from Forever21 and layered it with a sweater from UCB. Wore these amazing tan gladiators i got at a fair in Goa fr just 250 bucks ( 3$ ) which is a steal. I had got almost similar ones from koovs few months back for more than ten times the price but i returned them as they didnt fit me properly. And my phone case isnt it adorable. The moment i saw it i knew i had to have it in my life :P 

A little close up of it😍


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