Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Quickie to Kanyakumari

Hiii Guys,

Its really a bummer when you sit out to write like with topic and everything in your mind and bamm !! you hit a writer's block but just about how to start it. I have typed and backspaced the opening line  like literally 5 times now.Actually i face this a lot i dont know why.  Anyhoo its been a hellish couple of weeks at work. I feel i have never worked this hard before in my life. And December is supposed to be holiday month for god's sake. The only bright side has been i took couple of trips in between which has made it a little bearable. My mom always told me when work get crazy take a little vacation, it will be like a recharge.

So it was one my best friend Rakhee's birthday's and we decided to go on a small road trip of our own. Come into picture "Kanyakumari". 2 girls going to southernest tip of Indian land on their own, it was a "growing up" kinda experience. Made us feel like responsible adults :D We left  early from work on friday and took a sleeper bus from Bangalore to Kanyakumari. We actually celebrated her birthday in the bus. It was awesome. Early morning we reached a village which is close to Knayakumari they made us change the bus. As luck would have it we were the only people in that group going to Kanyakumari. And at that point it was a little scary. I mean they could kidnap us and no one would even know. The view was pretty awesome with green fields and windmills everywhere though i didnt enjoy it much cause i was still thinking about the kidnapping part. Anyways we reached safe and sound.

The best thing was our hotel was just next to the beach. Since we both from Goa beach is like a home to us and it called us and we ran. And i will not lie my first impression as i stepped on to Kanyakumari beach was "OKAY.. this is Kanyakumari" certainly not what i expected. But when i put my feet into the indian ocean it was a "wow" moment. I am at the last bit of land of india that there is(leaving Andaman) and the ocean is giving me a little pedicure while the breeze from far far lands is give my hair a blow dry while the sun rays soak me in Vitamin D. It was the calmest i had felt in weeks.

(The Swami Vivekanad Memorial)

                                                (Stepping into the Indian Ocean)


We did the local sightseeing. The confluence of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal amazing. So was the boat ride to Swami Vivekanand Memorial located in the sea. Other places to see will be the Ransom Church, Wax Museum, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial, Hanuman Mandir, Kanyakumari Temple. We even woke up at 5 in the morning to see the sunrise. Now i have stayed in Chennai for 6 months and well i am not big fan of their food but the food here was amazing all the places we had. I had one of the best steaks of my life ever. It was the kind of food that makes you happy and content and makes your eyes close as you slip into a dreamy world.  I will go to that place again just to have that dinner.

                                              (5 am in the morning. Where are you Sun???)

                      (POseyfy -- looks a little bit like status of liberty without the book and flame )

                                                            (yeah we had to take Selfies)

                                                              (Rocking it with MJ)

We even did a little bit of shopping. Actually a lot then we expected. I got really amazing sarees for my mom, inexpensive and my mom just loved it. She was like why didnt you get more. Next time mom ;-) They had pretty cool designs and colors for the prices they were selling. The place we went overboard was a shop where they sold everything at 30 bucks. We picked up the big Shells you use for honking and Shell paper weights for all our friends and family. I even picked up shell wind-chimes and the regular stuff like accessories,games, cups, it was crazy.

And though it was just quick 2 days, i guess that just what we needed.



  1. Omg!! Ur writing has improved tanu!! :) now whoever reads this will definitely generate a thought to visit kanyakumari once.. :) and also the best thing abt this post is u started it saying a nice joke abt ur work pressure.. :p

  2. Lol tanx Arshad.:D and i do have work pressure :P
