Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another Sad Love Story..


I been gone for a long time... i was kind of suffering from mild writers block and i wont say i am all recovered but i am on my way. Few days back i found a short sad story i wrote while in college. It is a fiction story :P My first attempt at story writing... so here it goes...

I am at the club,its Leah's 25th birthday and we are partying, actually they are partying and i am just...there, pretending to be partying and having a good time. I partying even be here if it wasnt for Mizmy best friend.Last couple of months i have been kinda anti-social an she thought it was high time she took control over my social life.

Actually it started 172 days back exactly.The day me and my boyfriend now ex-boyfriend ofcourse, we split after 7 years of being together.The reason for splitting i wont go into that.Lets just say it two perfectly made for each two were no more perfect.It was was ugly!!! I guess we faced the seven year itch.

Back to the present they have just finished their shots and we are making our way up to the more private lounge.As i make my way up the stairs i see him making his way down.His wearing the t-shirt i had got for him and which he had hated then.But now that he hates what he once loved the most, its obvious for him to like what he hated then.Oh and his not alone.I mean no one goes clubbing alone but what the hell is she doing here. Okay she is his friend but from when did she become his friends friend!!!Shes not his girlfriend he never liked her.But then no one can guarantee the future.

He sees me.Our eyes meet and nothing.......
Thats the saddest part.There was a time when our eyes spoke a million words,created fireworks, and now theres just the emptyness.I dont know either we have become strangers not to understand what each one is saying or i guess we dont have anything left to speak....

Anyways my party is over and i make a u-turn to the exit while messaging miz that i am going.I'l explain her everything later.I know shes going to be pissed .If the last few months have been worst for me they havent been much good for her either.Being my roommate,crying shoulder,my advicer shez gone through everything that i have gone through too..

I hail a cab.Sitting in tha cab feeling the wind on my face my mind wanders back to him.To everything that we were and everything we arent anymore.... we were supposed to be together forever but somewhere along the road to eternity we lost each other.It wasnt his fault neither was it mine.I still dont know what went wrong,what we could have done differently.I loved him lots and he loved me.We just didnt have the destiny with us.

Right now i want nothing more than to go back to the club,tell him how much i love him and that we can still make it work. To fall into his arms as he bear hugged me but i fall into an empty bed as the loneliness hugs me tightly taking me again on our journey of ifs and buts,a regret,a loss of a dream,a chance, a life...........

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