Monday, October 13, 2014

Confessions of a Shopaholic : Part 1


Are you the kind who has more membership cards than credit/debit cards?? Who buys stuff from certain stores just cause you will be getting points in return which you can redeem later?? And when you have successfully redeemed those points you feel like you have scored some amazing deal?? Well you are not alone. I am right there with you☺☺ I am crazy card collector !! Just yesterday redeemed 250 odd points and i was all jumping with joy inside🙅🙆🙇  These days my mind is in a hyperactive mode so as i stood in the long queue it got me thinking!!

Its actually based on " how i met your mother" theory :- everything and everyone has a BUT !! So whats the BUT behind these generosity😑 I have observed that almost all the stores price their items as dash dash dash 9. It will be a multiple of 11*9 or something of that sort. I mean it will end in 99 or 9. I had read somewhere that human brain when it sees say a t shirt priced at 800 rps it will be like oh my god ! So much for this piece of cotton; you dont need it😐 But when it sees the price as 799 it in some miraclous way thinks that its perfectly reasonable and you go ahead and buy it!! And our brain is supposed to be smarter than computer 😨

Anyways i didnt believe in this theory much. And i have got my conspiracy theory regarding why the stores price their items in 99s. The card points work on basis of the multiples of 100 that you spent usually. That is on every 100rps you spend you get 1 or 2 points as per the rating system. So when you go ahead and buy that 800 t shirt you are supposed to get 8 points. BUT wait you dont get 8 points. You paid 799 thats 1rp less than 800 so you get 7 points. You have been ripped off!! Even after paying 99rps you dont get any point for it. I know 1 point doesnt make much difference but say 1000 people buy stuff and for each person they save 1 point that makes it 1000 ruppees saved. Not big enough amount. Now lets say 10k people got stuff; thats 10k ruppees saved. And these are just hypothetical numbers. In reality they will be much more.

However i have found a solution for getting your that one point 😈 Before today it used to be one of my pet peeves but now i look at the bright side of it. Getting the carry bag. I used to get so grrrrr when they would charge us for the carry bags. I mean i was born in a time period where it was mandatory that you get a carry bag free with you purchase. But now you gotta pay for it even if its made of paper😠 Anyways it does the job. Helps the total amount cross the nervous 90s and get that one point and you get the bag too... 😑😑 Pound Petty Penny Wise 😤😤

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