Saturday, December 19, 2015

Style Steal:- Deepika Padukone

Hi Guys :)

22 days!! Thats all that is left for 2015 to be over. Another year crossed without finishing even one of my resolution. Self-five. Maybe i should resolve to sleep atleast 10 hours daily. I am sure i'll be pretty good on that one. BTW, what say?? Something feels different. Well yea... i changed my font. I am the kind of person who loves those fancy spirally "hard-to-read" fonts but sadly blogger doesn't have much options so i have to make do. Courier always gives me a feeling like i am using a typewriter. What do you guys feel?

So recently, actually it was 2 or 3 weeks back i saw Tamasha. And irrespective of what most people are saying i loved it. The story was good, the locations were just "wooooowww" made me wanna go on a solo trip to corsica, music good, Ranbir good and Deepika was just amazing!! I just loved her in that movie. It felt like it was real life Tara and not somebody playing her. And her style in that movie was impeccable. I think currently she is the most stylish person in Bollywood hands down. Her style is very casual and something even we can wear in our day today lives. And she can rock Indian as good as Western. There was this one look of her in that movie which i fell in love with completely. She was wearing this white flowy bohemian dress with white flower headband. She looked like a greek goddess i swear.

I tried to create the same look over here. I wore this "game-of-thronish" powder blue dress and a peach kimono over it. I completed the look with a peach flowery headband.

(Dress, kimono :- Forever 21, headband :- Goa)

Another look of her which i just love is the one in "Daru Desi" song  from Cocktail movie where she is wearing orangish palazzos and green tank top. I think she single handedly got the palazzos back in style. I wore a similar combination and topped it with a hat.

(Palazzos:- Inmark, Top:- People, Hat:- Forever 21)

The third look isn't from any movie. I think it is from some promotional event, where she has jazzed up a simple jeans and t shirt outfit with a flowery blazer.

(Pants:- Mango, Cami Top:- Forever 21, Shirt:- Vero Moda)

This is my take on three of her looks.I got her pictures of google. And i know mine are not that good quality. Well i had to be my own photographer. Hope you guys liked it. Please let me know in comments below.

Until next time. Adios amigos ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

PJ ootn

One of the nights when i just didnt wanna get out of bed but had to go out. Wore by batman T which i sleep in and my only shorts with hunter green tights and black boots from forever 21 and a leather jacket. I did get a few stares 😜


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Summery - Wintery Rant!

Its been a long time since i did any outfit posts. Not to give any excuse but with all the moving and settling in a new city all my stuff has been all over the place. I feel like wearing something and either i have left it home or the thing supposed to go with it is home. I seriously suck at packing. And add to that working the morning shift is cherry on the topping,but its not!! I am an owl, have been one for as long as i remember and now i gotta wake up at 4.30 in the morning is grrrrrrrrr!!!! First of all the winter is at the gates and its so chilly in the mornings and i am so sleepy that i just dont have the energy to even dress up. All I wanna be in is my comfy PJs (even to work) :-P Add to that by the time i am off work its freaking burning hot . Its trippy i tell ya!

Anyways i have got a ootd/ootn. The pictures are not that high quality but "it is what it is" ;-)

I wore my summer dress from Forever21 and layered it with a sweater from UCB. Wore these amazing tan gladiators i got at a fair in Goa fr just 250 bucks ( 3$ ) which is a steal. I had got almost similar ones from koovs few months back for more than ten times the price but i returned them as they didnt fit me properly. And my phone case isnt it adorable. The moment i saw it i knew i had to have it in my life :P 

A little close up of it😍


Thursday, November 19, 2015


think one of the best feature of a phone is the ability to take screenshots. I remember the old times with my nokia 5230 when it was still 2G and sometimes i would come across a really funny or inspiring quote or picture and i couldnt save it and then had to search for a pen n paper to jot it down. And now i dont even save pictures mostly just screenshot them. A lot of them. I am one of those people who is a sucker for quotes and saying and stuff like that. I have like a 1k screenshot folder with just that insta quotes mostly. One of my favs are RM Drake and Beau Taplin. And also the Berlin artparasites. I feel they write/share stuff that just gets you. Its evergreen, like for all moods and seasons. Like giving self advice or inspiration or motivation to enjoy even the bad day. 

The above poemy kind of quote titled 'Filthy Heart'. I came across this last year or a year back i think. I feel it explains it very well. Especially the 'impluse to jump ship' part cause thats what love is acceptance and being there always. 

All that anybody wants is to be loved and wanted ⛄️

Monday, November 16, 2015

Titbits 1

One of the toughest decisions of moving is deciding which books to leave behind 😞

The freedom of wind blowing through hair (read feet)😜

When someone disturbs your sleep and you are cranky whole dayπŸ‘»

Monday, August 31, 2015

Haze away

3 years. I can't believe its been 3 years in Bangalore. Time does move so fast. So after 3 years i am saying bye bye to Bangalore. OMG! I never thought i would be leaving Bangalore. The place is amazing. Anyways as my last week in Bangalore started i decided to explore lots of places i didn't do in last 3 years. And let me tell you there were a lot. And one of those places is a pub. Bangalore is supposed to have some of the best pubs in the country or so i have heard. It was one of the things in my "to-do list" before i die :P. Personally i don't like going to pubs because 
a)I don't drink
b)The music is too loud for two people to have covers without screaming themselves hoarse.
But then i did go just for the reason that it gave me a chance to dress up after a long time. Since i have sent most my stuff away to the new place i just put up some last minute layering. Bangalore is getting cold lemme tell ya.

                        [Dress,tights,bag - Forever 21, Denim shirt- Max, Boots:- Allen Solly]

Signing off from Bangalore for the last time.
See ya soon. Cheers !

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ramblings: Part 3

Tossing around in sheets,
You still cant find solace in them,
The night has passed and the moon is about to set,
Early morning lights playing peek a boo bet,
The music isnt helping neither the heat,
Your heart is pumping to a different beat,
Oh but you are tired and you want to sleep,
In too deep,
If you couldnt just switch off the button,
And lie there until,
To fall off asleep safe and sound and world to be still.

Ramblings: Part 2

And i am back after 2 hours cause my mind is in a high octane mode. Grrrrr... why is that when you need to wake up early next day you can never sleep on time. Anxiety much. Anyways i have attached some more of the screenshots ... Hope you guys enjoy..


Last couple of weeks i have been going through this helpless period. Not writer block as such. I dont know if i am.even.a writer but more on the level of over flowing mind that block got mowed over by the super fast train of thoughts. I have been getting so many ideas in my head like i could do this and i could do that but before i could action on even one i just hit this wall of procrastination. And then something else fills my mind. I always have these sudden urges where i have to do something and until and unless i dont do it my mind doesnt rest in peace. One of my buddies said its good to have such urges it motivates you to get thing done. But maybe mine are nothing that useful and i am not getting anything done. *sigh*

Its 'one of these days' cases. Anyways i dont have any outfit post today but i got some pictures-y quotes and poems i screenshoted off the instagram. God bless screenshot :)

First one is about coincidences and fate and i am big believer in destiny. Second one i got off a facebook page. They have really good quotes. And third one is well my defense against breaking the rule of no shopping.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

DIY: Ripped Denim Jeans

Hi Guys,

Wassup? The Sale season is officially ON!! And boy i am going crazy. They have some pretty great deals at Lifestyle, Forever 21, Mango and Westside.Though this time i have instilled some self control in myself. Buying only the stuff i really need rather than just because its very cheap. Lets see for how long i can keep this on though. One of things i have been looking for are these knee ripped black jeans. I have seen so many  celebrities adorn this look. Its been ages actually i been looking for them. But either i never find my size or they are not the way i want them to be. I do find some with lots of rips but i already have that in blue and i practically live my weekends in them. But they are hell expensive and i think its stupid spending so much money on something thats supposed to look rugged and old. So i thought instead of buying why not DIY-ing it.

Its really simple and takes less than 5 minutes. All you need is an old pair of black jeans ( mine are from Forever 21 and i had got them for less than 600 bucks) , a piece of chalk to mark the area to be cut ( i am using a white eyeliner cause i couldn't find chalk :P ) , a pair of scissors and a foot scrapper (this optional). So lets get into it

Step 1:- Wear your jeans for one last time, go crazy in them. Once they are like your second skin take the chalk and make a line wear you want the rips. I made mine on the knee cause thats the look i was going for.

Step 2:- Pinch the fabric on the line and make a hole with your scissor and cut along the marked line.

Step 3:- Turn the jeans inside out and using a scrapper give the rip a rugged look, pull out some thread. Even if you don't do it eventually after a few washes it will achieve that look.

And Voila you are done. Now you have got your own pair of ripped denims and that too for more than half the price. And you can also do this for your denim shorts.

Hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial. Cheers :)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Prison Break

Hi Guys,

For last couple of months i been totally bugged with this question” what am i doing with my life?” The question everyone struggles with in their mid twenties. For one life hardly ever turns out the way you expected it to be on top it is kinda critical period in your life. Its like the benchmark to compare what you had dreamt your life would be and what it really is. And sometimes when it just isn't what it was supposed to be it really makes you think. Think a lot and hard.

Personally i always thought by the time i hit 25 i would have completed by MBA and would be doing my own gig, work my own hours, have my own place. But nothing worked out. In the process of making big bucks ( not really big but okay kind) i got so entangled in all this that i just procrastinated and never got around to doing anything. I didn't even learn to play guitar :( Last few months have been mind freaking crazy with most of friends settling down or making big commitments. Its like they have grown up and i am still the 17 year old who cant decide which movie to see on a Friday night.

And then i came across this quote by Amanda Helm. “Give yourself a chance. Stop saying, “ I don't think I can” or “But what if I am not able to?” and give yourself a chance. This may be cliche, but BELIEVE in yourself. When you get older, your knees won't work the same and you wont have the best of memory, and you are going to wish you’d given yourself a chance years sooner. And if you aren't happy where you are, change it. Get a new job, move, become a vegetarian, get a new hobby, pick up an old hobby, whatever you do - make sure it benefits you. Life is too short to not be alive, to not be passionate, and overflowing. The cost of not following your heart, is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.” and it got me back to my same old question. “What am i doing with my life?”. But this time i got some answers. All this time i have been complaining but never did anything to change it. I have gotten comfortable with where i am. It safe and secure and i was scared. Like Ted Mosby says “ If you are not scared, you are not taking a chance. If you are not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing?”  Yea you cannot change everything overnight but you need to start somewhere. You need to jump. For a long time I felt like i was in prison and finally after lots of struggling just when i was about to complete my sentence and get out they said “Hey guess what your fellow inmate will be MIA for few months so you have to complete “those few months” of her sentence as well” Thats when i knew that this was the chance i was waiting for. To do all the things i ever wanted to do but was scared. It was time for Prison Break. Sometimes things don't work out the way you expected it, so that better things can happen. Just have faith and give yourself a chance. Cheers :)

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Little Trip Back Home

Hi Guys,

How you all been? Last week i had been home again. Home is one place you can never get enough of. And these days i been missing it even more i don't know why. Maybe three years is a long time to be away. Moving out was one of the biggest decisions of my life. And i can say it has been an amazing journey from dependent girl to an independent woman. Living in a big city all by myself was like a dream come true. And it has its plus points i can say. Waking up whenever you want, having pizzas 7 days in a row or just staying out till late at night. I am a free bird and living alone was like getting out of the cage into the wild where no one can tame you. Sadly with time its kind of faded away. Honestly speaking i miss being pampered and taken care of and also all the scoldings i would get for being lazy. Bangalore is great its just that it doesn't feel like home.

Anyways like i said last week i had a long weekend as it was US Independence day holidays. God i love US holidays, you always get them in a row such that you can a long weekend. So after work i hopped onto the next flight and i was home in an hour. It was the most peaceful weekend i had in a long time. Being with some people can just make everything feel so right. We had a nice celebration for my dad and cousins birthday. Watched a movie, had ourselves little barbecue, went to the beach and yea my mom made my favourites dishes. And in return i cooked as well. I made french onion soup for mom and dad. It wasn't amazing but edible :P And now i am back to Bangalore. And its 2 am and i am really hungry but theres nothing to eat. Why can't they have midnight pizza delivery i don't understand when we more than half the population awake after 12.

Anyways i have attached some of my outfits from back home. Hope you guys like it.

[To the beach: Top: Only, Palazzo Pants: Linking Road Mumbai, Umbrella: Goa, Necklace: Flea Market, Arm Cuff:Forever21]

[My sis is wearing a top from Global Desi and aztec leggings from Forever 21]

[For the Birthday party: Flannel: Allen Solly, Muscle Tee: Vero Moda, Leggings: Forever 21, Headband: Ayesha Accessories]

Until Next Time Cheers!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rain it Pours!!


Rain it pours and its dancing in my Soul now,
Rain it pours and it drowns away my thoughts,
Rain it pours and everything goes silent,
Rain it pours and its dancing in my soul.

Hi Guys,

Even though the winter has come in Game of Thrones, in Bangalore its raining crazy. And when i say crazy i mean it has a mind of its own. It will be hot in the afternoons like its still summer and so you decide to go out without an umbrella and bam!! it starts raining. And i am a kind of person who doesn't like to carry things in my hand except my cellphone neither do i like carrying huge totes n purses. I am the small bodycross kinda girl. And this always lands me taking shelter beneath a tree or under the roof of a shop. The only good thing about Bangalore rains is that they don't last for hours. So i guess it kinda balances it out.

I have a love hate relationship with Rain. I am born, bought up in Goa and there it pours cats and dogs. Its like someone opened the shower tap and forgot to close it and went for vacation. Even when it stops you can fill the dampness in the air. I always feel sleepy in such weather. I remember my dad literally pulling me out of bed and dragging me to school. I mean who wants to leave their comfy bed and go to school, half wet cause you are not a ninja in opening the umbrella as you get out of the car. And then keep those wet umbrellas near your leg cause obviously we cannot have 60 open umbrellas in a classroom. The only good memory i have of rainy days was when it would rain so heavily that the nearby stream would be flooded and school will be closed or when my mom would make hot onion pakodas in evening or having cycle races with raindrops trying to catch me. Personally i find the cracking of black sky with sudden lightning is one of the most beautiful thing witness.

Anyways things have changed and i don't have to go to school anymore. 'Yayyy!!' and i am starting to enjoy getting wet in rain a little bit. Its kinda calms you down and makes you feel free like no matter how screwed up your life is at this moment its all getting washed out with the water pouring on your skin. But then i certainly prefer to be tucked in rather than getting wet :P BTW, I watched 4 movies this week :- Dil Dhadkne Do, It Follows and 2 evergreen oldies Hum Apke Hai Kaun and Hum Saath Saath Hai. I would say DDD wasn't as good as i had expected it to be. It follows is a good movie if you are the kind to discuss about movies and their hidden meanings and stuff. And i also caught up on ep 9 of Game of Thrones and i have to say its been one of the best episodes of this season. Actually the first 'WTH' moment of this season. I didn't go out much after i tried once and got drenched. So i have got my rainy outfit for you guys. I wore a flannel knotted at my waist with a black maxi skirt with slits.

[Shirt: Allen Solly, Maxi Skirt: Max, Necklace: Kormangla]

Until next time, go get yourself wet, Cheers !!

(Rain it Pours:- Lyrics of an amazing song from I Hate Love Story)