Saturday, December 20, 2014

OOTD: Winter is Coming

Hii Guys,

We are nearly to the end of 2014 and the winter has hit Bangalore. The afternoons are perfect warm and the evenings are heaven. Bangalore wins the Best City on the weather alone. Honestly nothing can beat Bangalore weather all year round. Even though the weather is chilly it doesn't make you run for all the layers and sweaters. Yet. :P Its like a good pani puri, a little sweet a little sour dissolving in your mouth to form the perfect taste.  

{Wearing:- Army Parka, T-Shirt, Heel Boots, Satchel Bag:- Forever21, Boyfriend Jeans:- Fame Forever, Watch:- Tommy Hilfiger}

Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Quickie to Kanyakumari

Hiii Guys,

Its really a bummer when you sit out to write like with topic and everything in your mind and bamm !! you hit a writer's block but just about how to start it. I have typed and backspaced the opening line  like literally 5 times now.Actually i face this a lot i dont know why.  Anyhoo its been a hellish couple of weeks at work. I feel i have never worked this hard before in my life. And December is supposed to be holiday month for god's sake. The only bright side has been i took couple of trips in between which has made it a little bearable. My mom always told me when work get crazy take a little vacation, it will be like a recharge.

So it was one my best friend Rakhee's birthday's and we decided to go on a small road trip of our own. Come into picture "Kanyakumari". 2 girls going to southernest tip of Indian land on their own, it was a "growing up" kinda experience. Made us feel like responsible adults :D We left  early from work on friday and took a sleeper bus from Bangalore to Kanyakumari. We actually celebrated her birthday in the bus. It was awesome. Early morning we reached a village which is close to Knayakumari they made us change the bus. As luck would have it we were the only people in that group going to Kanyakumari. And at that point it was a little scary. I mean they could kidnap us and no one would even know. The view was pretty awesome with green fields and windmills everywhere though i didnt enjoy it much cause i was still thinking about the kidnapping part. Anyways we reached safe and sound.

The best thing was our hotel was just next to the beach. Since we both from Goa beach is like a home to us and it called us and we ran. And i will not lie my first impression as i stepped on to Kanyakumari beach was "OKAY.. this is Kanyakumari" certainly not what i expected. But when i put my feet into the indian ocean it was a "wow" moment. I am at the last bit of land of india that there is(leaving Andaman) and the ocean is giving me a little pedicure while the breeze from far far lands is give my hair a blow dry while the sun rays soak me in Vitamin D. It was the calmest i had felt in weeks.

(The Swami Vivekanad Memorial)

                                                (Stepping into the Indian Ocean)


We did the local sightseeing. The confluence of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal amazing. So was the boat ride to Swami Vivekanand Memorial located in the sea. Other places to see will be the Ransom Church, Wax Museum, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial, Hanuman Mandir, Kanyakumari Temple. We even woke up at 5 in the morning to see the sunrise. Now i have stayed in Chennai for 6 months and well i am not big fan of their food but the food here was amazing all the places we had. I had one of the best steaks of my life ever. It was the kind of food that makes you happy and content and makes your eyes close as you slip into a dreamy world.  I will go to that place again just to have that dinner.

                                              (5 am in the morning. Where are you Sun???)

                      (POseyfy -- looks a little bit like status of liberty without the book and flame )

                                                            (yeah we had to take Selfies)

                                                              (Rocking it with MJ)

We even did a little bit of shopping. Actually a lot then we expected. I got really amazing sarees for my mom, inexpensive and my mom just loved it. She was like why didnt you get more. Next time mom ;-) They had pretty cool designs and colors for the prices they were selling. The place we went overboard was a shop where they sold everything at 30 bucks. We picked up the big Shells you use for honking and Shell paper weights for all our friends and family. I even picked up shell wind-chimes and the regular stuff like accessories,games, cups, it was crazy.

And though it was just quick 2 days, i guess that just what we needed.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Brown Eyes

Sometimes you just read a quote somewhere and it touches you. It feels like something you will say or you want someone to say that to you.It becomes a part of your vocabulary. And even though you might not quote it quite often but its still there in back of your mind. Long back i had read a book titled ' Million little pieces" by James Frey and it was so awesome i read it 2-3 times afterwards. There was this one quote or more on the lines of a poem. very romantic that still stuck with me. Its simple and beautiful.

His Eyes...
Those brown,warm eyes..
There's a world in them,
Those made me crazy,
They are deep.
They have love and they have mischief,
They have life.
They connect....when his brown meet my brown....i am in heaven.
Those warm,deep brown eyes.
They laugh,they cry,they speak.
They see through heart.
I open infront of them.
when his brown meet my brown i am ME...


Laying on the white sand,
the cool atoms embodying your back,
As the last rays of sun play hide and seek over your skin,
And the wind plays with your hair,
The sound of waves concots a beautiful symphony,
Mixed with happy laughter of kids,
And still in all this there is the silence inside you,
Just the blood flowing through your veins,
And though you dont find answers to all your questions,
its all part of the life's tome,
You find peace.. coz this is where lies home.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Gone girl with a blue streak.

Hi guys....

Mind blowing. Finally i saw Gone Girl and i would have to agree that it is one of the best movies of 2014. I had heard so many good things about it that i finally managed to drag my roommate Rakhee to the theater half sleepy and by the time movie got over she was full awake One point for that.

The only thing i didnt like about it was the ending. I would have loved if it ended differently. Or if it had to end the way it did atleast let us know what happens in the future. Does he manage to run away or maybe commit sucide or just endure it??? I would love to have him run away but i think most probably he commits sucide. 

Coming to ootd: i wasnt feeling like dressing up so just wore denim overalls and flats. And a word of advice if you are short like me do not pair your overalls with flats. You ask why? Well i didnt know it until i saw the pictures and well it looks like someone just cut me a little near my legs and attached back the foot. What would look amazing would be some wedged sneakers or some pink pumps.

[Overall : Sarojini Nagar, Baseball Tee: UCLA, Bag: Lifestyle , Belles: Jade]

Yes i have blue streaks. Naah they aint permanent. This Saturday i had gone to New U, and i came across these temporary spray paints for hair by bblunt. You spray whatever crazy streak you want and once you wash your hair it gets cleaned out. It's called bblunt One night stand. It comes in 4 colors blue,green, a shade of brown and copper. Its supposed to last around 10 applications atleast thats what the SA told me. I got the blue as you can see. I have used it once and its okay. Maybe i placed it wrongly or maybe i was wearing too much blue but it didnt stand out the way it was supposed to. After 3-4 hours of application you really couldnt tell that i had blue streak on. Until you looked closely. Also if you look closely its like tiny atoms of blue color sticking to your hair. But for pray paint  hair color i guess thats what you get.Anyhow i will use it couple of more times maybe i will discover some secrets ;-) And yeah it costs just 300 rupees. So you can get all the 4 colors and be a peacock or a rainbow.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is Love???

Few days back one of my friends asked me a question which i am sure has troubled all of us atleast once in our lifetime. "What is Love" ? And as i gave all the answers in the book it got me thinking is it really all that. Wiki says Love is a variety of different feelings,states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection to pleasure,Science says its just a chemical reaction of different hormones in your body , Books tell us its unconditional, accepting and kind And movies tells us that when you can't stop thinking about the other person and they are the only one that matters; that's love. I would say that's more on the lines of obsession and infatuation.

According to me, Love is like a scent of perfume. Strong at the beginning,alluring, it becomes you but with time it melts down into something sublime and subtle which doesn't have an overpowering presence but its just there like a whiff.You love someone and they know it and they love you and you know it, but its a party and you both are talking to other people,and you look across the room and catch each other's eye but not because its possessive or precisely sexual..but because..that is your person in this life. Frances Ha really nails it. It all sounds romantic but its not the complete reality. Most of us never find that person. Maybe we stop looking too soon or we find them but are too scared or proud to be with them. Ohh being adult is complicated. 

Love is over-rated. It has the glossy covering of sweet lies making it appear beautiful. Its a money making machine. Just amount of money people make selling books, movies, music about love is just insane. I guess we are more in love with the feeling of being in love rather than really being in love. You love your parents,friends, bf/gf, pets and it should be same for everyone. Definition of love shouldnt vary with respect to the person you are in love with. "I cant live without you, you are my life" is just for the fairy tales. People live. One love goes you find a replacement to fill it and that's why its everlasting cause it doesn't depend on just 2 mortal humans.

It does have the power to change you. But if love is supposed to be unconditional and accepting why does someone have to change to be loved ?? If love is supposed to be unconditional then why do we have so many terms and conditions from society?? And if love is supposed to be kind then why is that the person we love the most hurts us the most?? Einstein !! Yeah i am skeptic. But i do agree it makes you happy. It puts you on cloud nine. But then one of spoon of mom's gajar ka halwa does too. Just saying !!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Of Songs and Skirts!


Its been 1 hour and i have been listening to "When i'm gone" by Lulu and the Lampshades which was also covered by Anna Kendrick in Pitch Perfect on repeat. In short i am addicted to it at the moment. Doesn't it happens so, that you are listening to your playlist and suddenly you see a song in a different light,like never before. Its like the song has been made for you. It kinda gives me a feeling of those Art experts who find deep underlying meanings in Modern Art Painting though it looks just random stuff to us.I am not going anywhere but i don't know i am kind of feeling it. Like its trying to tell me something.

I am not much of a superstitious person but i do believe in signs that destiny or some Higher power gives you. And i feel music is one such way via which "destiny"communicates with us. Anytime i am in a dilemma i would put on any one of my fav radio stations and i would get answers to my queries through the songs that get played. I know it sounds stupid but it has hardly ever failed me. Yeah, it depends on my interpretation and maybe it helps me find the answers i already knew deep down. But its a help nonetheless. And doesnt everything in this world is premeditated and happens for a reason. So maybe the songs that play too.

Another thing that starts with "S" are skirts :-P Its lame but i didnt know how to go about it. Skirts are one of the most versatile pieces in your wardrobe. You can play it up or down, from Sexy to Casual. It works always. My favorite are the skater skirts. I am 5.2 and i feel they make me look tall :-D

I wore this skirt for a late lunch our with friends. I paired my lace skater skirt from Forever 21 with a casual denim blue shirt from Max. I would have to say there is hardly anything i wear more than this denim shirt. From just a shirt to a jacket it has been everything to me. It can dress down any outfit. For shoes i wore some nude pumps from Jade. For accessories i wore an owl necklace and watch.For face i kept it bare except a little kajal and eyeliner and little dash of  MAC Ruby Woo on lips.

We went to Over the top - terrace lounge in Kormangla and i would rate it 3/5. I would say its a more of night place then afternoon-eveningish. There were hardly any people there. The place is nice and comfy. You can sit and chat for hours. The food was tasty.In all it was a day well spent.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Random Shandom


How u guys been?? Its been a pretty lazy Saturday for me. Watched 3 movies back to back 😀😀 Its been a while since i have watched a movie on tv and that too premier. Usually im guilty of torrenting but then who isnt 😝 The movie im talking about is Heropanti and overall it wasnt bad. The songs were good 😉 Normal Bollywood Romantic movie. After that i again watched Social Network and was feeling little girly so closed it off with Aisha 😤😤

I started this 365 photo day challenge and i am not sure how long i will be into it but lets see😕 And OMG i have also almost learnt the Cup Song. I can sing it but cup thing kinda gets messed up. Anyways nothing beats a day when u can sit in bed and do the cup tricks. I been going crazy over it and my roomies over me. The banging irritates them to the core😈😈 But im still practising to get it all right. It will be like an accomplishment. A trick i know at parties😆

Its 4 am in morning and me being an Owl is still hooting around waiting for the sleep to cover me. Signing off! Over and Out... Hoooooooooo

Monday, October 13, 2014

Confessions of a Shopaholic : Part 1


Are you the kind who has more membership cards than credit/debit cards?? Who buys stuff from certain stores just cause you will be getting points in return which you can redeem later?? And when you have successfully redeemed those points you feel like you have scored some amazing deal?? Well you are not alone. I am right there with you☺☺ I am crazy card collector !! Just yesterday redeemed 250 odd points and i was all jumping with joy inside🙅🙆🙇  These days my mind is in a hyperactive mode so as i stood in the long queue it got me thinking!!

Its actually based on " how i met your mother" theory :- everything and everyone has a BUT !! So whats the BUT behind these generosity😑 I have observed that almost all the stores price their items as dash dash dash 9. It will be a multiple of 11*9 or something of that sort. I mean it will end in 99 or 9. I had read somewhere that human brain when it sees say a t shirt priced at 800 rps it will be like oh my god ! So much for this piece of cotton; you dont need it😐 But when it sees the price as 799 it in some miraclous way thinks that its perfectly reasonable and you go ahead and buy it!! And our brain is supposed to be smarter than computer 😨

Anyways i didnt believe in this theory much. And i have got my conspiracy theory regarding why the stores price their items in 99s. The card points work on basis of the multiples of 100 that you spent usually. That is on every 100rps you spend you get 1 or 2 points as per the rating system. So when you go ahead and buy that 800 t shirt you are supposed to get 8 points. BUT wait you dont get 8 points. You paid 799 thats 1rp less than 800 so you get 7 points. You have been ripped off!! Even after paying 99rps you dont get any point for it. I know 1 point doesnt make much difference but say 1000 people buy stuff and for each person they save 1 point that makes it 1000 ruppees saved. Not big enough amount. Now lets say 10k people got stuff; thats 10k ruppees saved. And these are just hypothetical numbers. In reality they will be much more.

However i have found a solution for getting your that one point 😈 Before today it used to be one of my pet peeves but now i look at the bright side of it. Getting the carry bag. I used to get so grrrrr when they would charge us for the carry bags. I mean i was born in a time period where it was mandatory that you get a carry bag free with you purchase. But now you gotta pay for it even if its made of paper😠 Anyways it does the job. Helps the total amount cross the nervous 90s and get that one point and you get the bag too... 😑😑 Pound Petty Penny Wise 😤😤

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another Sad Love Story..


I been gone for a long time... i was kind of suffering from mild writers block and i wont say i am all recovered but i am on my way. Few days back i found a short sad story i wrote while in college. It is a fiction story :P My first attempt at story writing... so here it goes...

I am at the club,its Leah's 25th birthday and we are partying, actually they are partying and i am just...there, pretending to be partying and having a good time. I partying even be here if it wasnt for Mizmy best friend.Last couple of months i have been kinda anti-social an she thought it was high time she took control over my social life.

Actually it started 172 days back exactly.The day me and my boyfriend now ex-boyfriend ofcourse, we split after 7 years of being together.The reason for splitting i wont go into that.Lets just say it two perfectly made for each two were no more perfect.It was was ugly!!! I guess we faced the seven year itch.

Back to the present they have just finished their shots and we are making our way up to the more private lounge.As i make my way up the stairs i see him making his way down.His wearing the t-shirt i had got for him and which he had hated then.But now that he hates what he once loved the most, its obvious for him to like what he hated then.Oh and his not alone.I mean no one goes clubbing alone but what the hell is she doing here. Okay she is his friend but from when did she become his friends friend!!!Shes not his girlfriend he never liked her.But then no one can guarantee the future.

He sees me.Our eyes meet and nothing.......
Thats the saddest part.There was a time when our eyes spoke a million words,created fireworks, and now theres just the emptyness.I dont know either we have become strangers not to understand what each one is saying or i guess we dont have anything left to speak....

Anyways my party is over and i make a u-turn to the exit while messaging miz that i am going.I'l explain her everything later.I know shes going to be pissed .If the last few months have been worst for me they havent been much good for her either.Being my roommate,crying shoulder,my advicer shez gone through everything that i have gone through too..

I hail a cab.Sitting in tha cab feeling the wind on my face my mind wanders back to him.To everything that we were and everything we arent anymore.... we were supposed to be together forever but somewhere along the road to eternity we lost each other.It wasnt his fault neither was it mine.I still dont know what went wrong,what we could have done differently.I loved him lots and he loved me.We just didnt have the destiny with us.

Right now i want nothing more than to go back to the club,tell him how much i love him and that we can still make it work. To fall into his arms as he bear hugged me but i fall into an empty bed as the loneliness hugs me tightly taking me again on our journey of ifs and buts,a regret,a loss of a dream,a chance, a life...........

Friday, September 19, 2014

Shake it Off Taylor Swift Way

Hi guys...

How you doin'?? Its friday and weekend is less than 12 hours away (yayyy) The best thing i love about friday is that i dont have to wear formals and can experiment a bit. Btw are you the kind of person who puts on music while getting ready?? If yes then we are peas in a pod. And if you dont i recommend you do try it. It gets you in the groove.

Currently the song i am really feeling is Taylor Swift's Shake it Off.  It has already got more than 10 million views on You Tube do i have to say more. Its all about doing what you want to do and having fun and dont give a damn about what everyone says.You are not put on this earth to please everyone else!! As Taylor says rightly
" But i keep cruising,
   Cant stop,wont stop moving,
   Its like i got this music in my mind,
   Saying its gonna be alright!!
   Coz the players gonna play play play,
   And the Haters gonna hate hate hate
    And i am just gonna shake shake shake
    Shake it Off,Shake it Off"

I even took inspiration from one of her looks in the video and tried it out on a thursday to work. I wore Black slim cut pants from Nuon, a black full sleeve turtle neck from Promod and to complete the look i just put liner on upper line and MAC Ruby Woo on my lips. I would have to say it must have worked. Got lots of compliments :-)

Sadly didnt click any pictures :-( Anyways you can groove to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off link below

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Top 7 TV Shows you must watch

With passing age your mind starts thinking all crazy questions, trying to be wiser but all it ends up doing is confusing us even more than we are currently. These couple of days have been bad since my mind is bombarding with “the wise” questions. What are doing with your life? Is this what you want to do rest of your life? Are you loving it? You getting old!! and combine it with work deadlines  its just ERghhhhhh…… Weekend where are you?????? 

When I was studying I remember I used to imagine when i get a job I will be developing new stuff(LOL) and partying my weekends away ( DOUBLE LOL) . When I started working I was like okay I might not be developing new stuff but ; what the hell I will still party my weekends away. Alas !! 1 month down the line all I wanna do during the weekends is SLEEP!! EAT !!and do Laundry. I have become a sloth and I feel its kinda good for me I am gaining weight :-D  Bed, Laptop and pizza nothing can beat that combination..EVER !! I am movie and TV series addict so that suits the case perfectly. Though movies are great but nothing gets you hooked on like a good TV series. Trust me!! So here is my list of favorite must watch series which will help you laze your days out in bed.

7) Lost:- I remember the first time I had seen its promo trailer and I had put a cross on the calendar for the Sunday it was going to air ( I used to do that before when something good was going to come on the cable)And it did not disappoint me. It traced the journey or survivors of Oceanic Air Flight 815 on what seemed to be a deserted island. What follow are series of mysterious events with alien kind animals and the Dharma Initiative. I used to have long conversation with my mom about the button they had to press every 108 minutes to prevent some catastrophe from happening and The Others. Though season 5 and 6 were a little boring all in all it was a great series.

6)Gossip Girl:-“And who am I? That’s one secret I will never tell. You know you love me. XOXO. Gossip Girl” This was my ringtone for literally an year. I wont lie the reason I loved this series so much was a) the clothes and b)Chace Crawford . The series narrated by a secret blogger revolves around lives and drama of high class young adults from Manhattan. I find it to be typical Indian serial with masala and excitement with foreign colors.

5)The Amazing Race- This was probably the first reality serial I ever saw. It was my favorite for a long time. Its on my to do list as well to participate in it. 12 Teams starting from US travelled along the world doing various tasks and at end of each leg the last team was eliminated. Every season I had my favorites whom I wanted to win and watching them race kinds made me feel it was my race as well. My all time favorite will definitely be Rob and Amber. I even got a red backpack like the one they used  to carry :-D I also liked Tyler and James, Kris and Jon, Derek and Drew, etc

4)How I Met Your Mother:- Barney Stinson!! You are AWESOME!!! This was one of the funniest series I have ever seen and I still watch it. It’s a story narrated by Ted to his kids about how he met their mother. So it basically is on day today life of Ted and his friends Robin,Lily,Marshall and Barney. With Ted trying to find his one true love, Robin’s complicated feelings, Barney just being awesome and Lily and Marshall’s married life. It was a superb series with a not so worthy finale according to me. 

3)Supernatural:- This is a series with fighting ghost,spirits,demons and everything evil and god I love it. This was another of me and my moms favorite serials to watch. It a started as a story of two brother Sam (Cutie) and dean (Hottie) on quest to find their father and then the yellow eyed monster who killed their mom and Sam’s girlfriend and went on over to fighting other evil bodies on the way. It was also full of bromance and dying and coming back to life. It just has everything in it. 

2)Friends:- Till a month back this was my best and most favorite series of all times and I am sure most of you will feel the same. From 1994-2004 it defined not only our fashion sense and lingo but entertained us to the core. Like HIMYM it was about lives of 6 young adults in their early twenties Rachael, Ross, Monica, Pheobe, Chandler and Joey  in New York City. It was funny, emotional, crazy, quirky, and romantic. It was the full 7 course meal. If you haven’t watched this then you have certainly missing something in your life. I still watch this every few weeks 3-4 of my fav episodes. It certainly gets a 10/10 from me.

And now the number 1…Drumroll………..Its

1)Game of Thrones:- This Magnum Opus based on books by George Martin is just that. HUGE. It is one of the craziest shows I have ever seen. The first time i had read the title when it was coming on TV i had read it mistakenly as Game of Thornes and i was like what is this. Thornes as in Thorns ?? I have the bad habit of assuming words by just looking at the letters and it has got in me in trouble few times. But coming back to GOT, once you start it you get hooked to it. Its such a badass, And the best thing is you never know whats going to happen. Unless of course you have read the books. Its about how everybody conspires and fights to sit on the Iron Throne. It has all the characters you could find the crowd favorite Tyrion, the most hated guy in world Joffery ( I hate Joffery), the hot Khaleesi with her Dragons ( Yeah they have dragons on this show and Direwolves and Giants) the courageous Arya and the guy with same expression Jon. It’s a show where anyone can die. And I mean anyone. Its something you need to watch atleast once in your lifetime and I can guarantee you wont regret it.

These were my top seven. I would love to know your favorite in comments below. Till then ..
XOXO.. bye.

**Image Source:- Google**

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Finding Fanny Review and OOTD


How are you guys doing?? This week has been pretty hectic and weekend has been a much needed break to catch up on some sleep.  I have tried almost everything from reading books to listening to music to counting to 100 backwards. Sleep seems to be alluding me these days like Oscar lady alludes Leonardo :-(

Anyways this week i had the bad luck of watching Finding Fanny. To describe the experience in one word - NUMB! I was zonked out watching it like what the hell is happening here.I mean there was no proper storyline. It should have been named  "Finding Storyline" rather than "Finding Fanny" .
Main characters :-
Rosie- Played by Dimple Kapadi is supposedly mini godmother of the villiage Pokolim in Goa where all of these people stay. If her dressing sense was bad donr get me started on her acting. It was over the top.
Savio- Arjun Kapoor Deepika's Ex lover had rugged good looks but his character was boring. He made me feel sleepy. Come to think of it i could use this to fall asleep at night but only problem is might never wake up.
Pedro- Pankaj Kapoor a painter who has just moved to the village. I didnt understand his point of being there. His funny dialogues totally missed the point and were more on lines of vulgar.
Ferdie- Naseeruddin Shah the village postmaster and Fanny's lover. Confused and goofball.
Angie- Deepika Padukone Rosie's widowed daughter in law. She was the only saving grace of this film. Her acting was superb and she looked just wow. Especially in her wedding dresses. 
Usually i have good tolerance level for movies or serials for that matter but this comments. I would suggest

Rating-1/5 (just for Deepika)

I wore a black jumpsuit i got from with a white vest under it. For accesories i just wore a silver cuff.

Let me know how you found the movie. Was it just me or you too who felt this way;)

xoxo bye

Thursday, September 11, 2014


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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

OOTD:- Blue Blue.

Crocodile, Crocodile which color do you want?
The elixir to live or i will be there to haunt.
Blue is the color i choose,
So come running little child; tibaly tabalu toose.

Blue for the deep ocean just like a heart of a woman,
So many secrets to keep, its a safe haven.
Blue for the mighty sky with little bundles of white,
Like a cozy quilt to cover you and a teddy to sleep tight.

Like blue in Popsicle and my old jean,
Like the writing on this paper in ink.
Blue like the rain splatters becoming streaks in my hair,
It matches the color of your eye's lair.

Beckoning, unwinding, tempting desire to twine.

Blue like  me,Blue like you,
Blue like the feeling when i miss you...

Denim Shirt:-Max
White Tee-Forever21
Palazzo Pants:- Linkin Road,Mumbai
Bangle,necklace:- Goa

Photography:- Rakhee Manocha <3

Monday, September 8, 2014

Style Steal - Sonam Kapoor

     "Fashion is what you make of it".

Not long ago maxi dresses were synonymous with resort or beach vacation. But today its a whole different ball game. You can see them everywhere from supermarkets to malls from runways to your local streets. Its certainly hopped and jumped to our day to wadrobe and i would say successfully. They are comfy and cute add to that elegant. When i was young the only people i saw wearing maxi dresses were the greek and egyptian princesses. And now wearing one of my own makes me feel kinda royal ;-)

For this outfit i have taken inspiration from none other than our own style diva Sonam Kapoor. Currently for her upcoming movie "Khoobsorat" promotions I have seen her sport the maxi/midi dresses with cool jackets. I feel this combination can take a simple look up a notch.

In my style steal i am wearing this torquoise blue maxi dress from AND and i have combined this with a white shirt from fbb with birds on it.For shoes i wearing my bright rainy sandals i got in mumbai. I have kept my accessories on a lower side with dangling leaf earing my mom got me, a silver belt to give the dress some dimension and my tommy hilfigher watch.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Post- OOTD :- Office Formals

Hi guys..
I been thinking of starting a blog for a long time but never got around to it. Its a Sunday actualy Monday early morning and the nights when i dont get sleep turn out to be long ones. Countless thoughts and questions running in my mind and here i am..

Well this not much of a post. Just a glimpse of what i wore on a thursday. Well i work at in a IT firm and it is a boring sea of blacks and whites and blues and greys with little reds and greens of kurtas. It has strict rules when it comes to dress code. But its kind of fun to play with the line. Anyways i never fully understood how wearing certain piece of clothing could make you work more efficiently or less..

I am wearing a mustard yellow trouser and a black top with small white cats on it. For shoes i am wearing simple black sandals. For my hair they were sad when i woke up.... flat out so.. i put on two pigtails.. sassies up the outfit i feel. What say??

(P.S. Sorry for the photo quality i know it sucks :-( it will be better next time )